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Category: Eyeglasses

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How Do Glasses Work?

A close-up image of an eye doctor holding a glasses lens in their right hand.

Good vision is an essential part of experiencing the world. Whether you’re reading your favourite book, driving to work, or admiring a beautiful sunset, having clear eyesight helps you savour life’s moments fully. For many adults and children with impaired vision, glasses play an important role in making that possible. But how exactly do glasses […]

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Can Wearing The Wrong Glasses Damage Your Eyes?

A woman rubbing her eyes while holding glasses, possibly experiencing discomfort from wearing incorrect prescription lenses.

Glasses are commonly viewed as protective and beneficial for our vision. They’re designed to correct refractive errors, shield our eyes from harmful UV rays, and reduce strain from digital screens. However, it’s important to note that not all glasses are created equal. Wearing the wrong prescription or style can lead to discomfort and headaches. In […]

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